Jesus LifeStyle
God is Good all the time.
No trace of evil in Him in the slightest. Not one part in an infinity.
Out of His abundant Goodness and Love,
He created us to be His Family. He wanted someone to Love on.
He wants to pour out on us His goodness and faithfulness.
The devil did something so people would be blinded, enslaved and that knowledge was lost to humankind for many years, but...
Jesus came in the flesh, conquered death and the devil and restored us to fellowship with God!
We are what Jesus said we are.
We have what Jesus has.
We can do what Jesus said we can do.
We are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.
We are one Spirit with Him.
He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
Welcome to the Jesus LifeStyle, the most amazing place to be for all eternity.