
The Bible can be likened to a jig-saw puzzle, and many teachers have some of the pieces in place, and have a picture that shows Jesus.

I am humbled to have met the teacher who has the most pieces in place and has the biggest, richest, most complete picture of Jesus, that is Brother Curry Blake of John G. Lake Ministries (JGLM). He has been mentored by mighty men and women of God who went before us, some alive and some dead through their recordings and writings, and he builds on their understandings and experience with his own experience.

We can lump all the best things about all the teachings of people with proven track records and call this is the True Gospel or the Authentic Gospel or the John G Lake Ministries (JGLM) message.

So we are focused on the teachings of Brother Curry Blake, TL Osborn, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Charles Finney, George Mueller, Kevin Zadai and Lester Summerall.

If you mostly agree with the teachings of Brother Curry, and are actively doing ministry, we can consider rendering financial support. Please note that you will be required to attest to the fact that this is what you believe, teach and do.

Some of the main points of our beliefs are:

  1. God is good all the time, there is no shadow of evil in Him at all.
  2. The Bible is Truth.
  3. Jesus is our example. He expects us to live as He did and do all the things He did.
  4. God's will is to always heal. Jesus healed them all.
  5. God answers all prayers. Ask and it shall be given to you.
  6. There are no special people, all are sons/daughters of God. All are equal.
  7. Focus is on doing. You do if you believe. No couch potatoes.
  8. We die to sin and we die to the world. This is Jesus LifeStyle, not Jesus OnceAWeek.
  9. We focus on evangelism and discipleship. Not on other Christian pursuits.

This is a concise declaration of most of what we believe in a little booklet:

also here, if that doesn't work:

This is the same little booklet on audio so you can listen to it while you drive:

A good basic introduction to Curry Blake is this video:

An excellent teaching for serious Christians is this video from TL Osborn:

A good book on healing is this book from TL Osborn on audio:

My video channel is here, some of these are better than others: